Giving up your right to your opinion essay

 Giving up your opinion can be hard because it is hard to keep back what you think. Like not giving your opinion on how immigrants are treated. Immigration has been a thing for many years as it has also increased deportation. Deporting people causes families to be separated and some are detained which has got to stop. Families get separated but all they want is to have a better future for themselves and their kids and  from the people that are being detained which are also kids they get mistreated.

    One of the main reasons why immigrants immigrate is to have a better life for them especially for their kids. All they want is to be able to give their kids a better life than they had. Most of them did not get to finish school on of the main reasons is because they had to help their parents work, they did not have the opportunities we do. They come here to work they left their home in seek of a better future for their kids to be successful and have a good job. There are always two sides the good ones and the bad ones that make the rest look bad. Although many Americans consider illegal immigrants as criminals, that they are bad for the nation’s economy and people the ones that aren’t criminals are innocent human beings who like everyone else they dream to have a beautiful future for their families. They do not understand the struggle of just wanting a better life for their children they crossed to see us be successful in life and to not have to go through what they did.

    Its hard having to live in the shadows. Families being teared apart knowing that our family can be taken away from us any day by them getting deported. Just because the poor ones with brown skin and without legal papers are not wanted here. Our parents not getting to see us succeed like they wanted us to one of the reasons they came to the united states is upsetting. Many Americans may think Hispanics take their jobs but the only job they get are the same ones that they will not take. In which most Hispanics immigrants work in the fields from about 5:30 am to 5 pm 6 days a week. From hot days to rainy days to be able to provide for their families and bills.

    Kids are being detained over thousands of them have been detained what have they done. They are just young innocent children being separated from their family because they are not wanted here. They are terrified being locked up in cages away from their parents the ones they need the most to feel comfort. Then kids that are put in cages a lot of the people they came with most likely their parents came here so their kids could grow up safe and get a good education. Their parents were willing to suffer by walking all day and night to cross. The children are being abused and mistreated not to mention that thousands of them have been lost.

    How would you feel not giving your opinion on how immigrants are treated knowing you can? Having families being torn apart when they just want a better future for themselves and their kids while they also get detained not only adult but kids too. But keep in mind nobody is legal on land that was stolen.


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